
Feeling angry or frustrated about the news? Feeling guilty you can’t give more time or money to causes you care about? Read a book or seen a film that’s opened your eyes to an issue you didn’t know about? Struggling to switch off and relax because you can’t stop thinking about all of the above?

Let us help you. Established in 2019, the Do Something Directory is for anyone who’s come across an issue and wanted to do something about it, but not known where to start.

Use our Directory to browse the causes you care about, and filter by location or the time and money you can afford to give. You can learn more about how we organise our entries here.

We also offer resource blogs and downloadable guides about activism, campaigning, education, media consumption and mindfulness. Whether you’re just starting to engage with issues you care about or you’ve been campaigning for years, our tools help you take action without becoming overwhelmed or burnt out.

One more thing! Our site is about helping individuals or small groups make a difference in the world. We are not here to offer advice to businesses on corporate giving. It’s free to browse and join our site – unlike some volunteer-focussed organisations, we don’t require users or organisations to create profiles, pay for promotion or pay to see ‘premium’ content. Entries are written by the team, so you can be sure they’re objective.

Are you a member of an organisation that you think we’d like to include?

Submit your organisation and we’ll get back to you!

Want to support the Do Something Directory?

Please consider chipping in, using the Support page or PayPal.me. We are not here to make a profit, and any donations will help cover website expenses, build our interactive map and pay contributors. Do you have feedback for us? This site is in beta mode, and we welcome all suggestions for improvement. Get in touch at dosomethingdirectory@outlook.com.

About the Team

The Do Something Directory team currently consists of Francesca Astraea (Founder, Managing Director) and Sarah Wilson (Staff Writer).

Time for a disclaimer…

The Do Something Directory is not affiliated with the organisations we list, nor responsible for the content they produce. We do not own the logos of any of the organisations listed. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information we provide is correct and up-to-date; we cannot be held responsible if an organisation has changed its structure or its aims after being featured. If you’re involved with an organisation listed and would like to suggest a change or point out an inaccuracy, please get in touch at dosomethingdirectory@outlook.com. Views expressed through our blog posts and social media are personal and not affiliated with third party organisations.